The Story behind Flourish Financial Life Planning

Nov 3, 2023


A few years ago, I felt like God put this word on my heart.  I didn’t know exactly what to do with it at the time, but I held on to it.  Occasionally, I would think of different ways to use it professionally or creatively.  But mainly I just kept it.  I created a folder on my computer called Flourish- and it was here where I would store ideas for helping women find peace financially, spiritually, and socially.  This has long been a mission of mine.

For a few years I had felt unsettled.  It wasn’t all the time, but it continued to bubble back up to the surface, as different situations would occur.  When I felt unsettled, I would try to sit up straighter and work harder assuming I needed to refocus.

My career has been primarily helping women plan financially.  But often our conversations will be about more than money because there is something else that is top of mind.  The more conversations we had, the more unsettled I felt in my own heart.  I had a good life, don’t get me wrong.  Hence the reason, I would just try to work harder, or be more productive anytime I felt unsettled.

As a woman of Christian faith, it has been easy for me to look at the good things in my life, and assume that because everything is good, it must be God’s best plan for me.  But it in the midst of feeling unsettled, I started to question my own logic.  I began to wonder if I was using “Everything’s good” as an excuse, one that could be holding me back from a plan that was even greater.  As I meditated on this question, I truly felt that I had become complacent and comfortable in the good life. I began to sense that the unsettled feeling I had been experiencing was God calling me to something.  I ignored it for a long time, asking “why would God call me out of a good situation?”

“I am doing good work.  I am trying to honor Him.  Is it really possible that He would call me to something even greater?”  This is the conversation I would have with myself.

As family needs changed, so did my heart for the good things in my life.  Through a lot of prayer and providential conversations, God gave me a clear vision into the unique values He had given me.  Once this became clear, He provided an opportunity for me to reorganize my life accordingly.

For so many years I have tried to help women flourish and find the freedom to live their life in peace.  But I had neglected to find that for myself.

Thus, Flourish Financial Life Planning was created.  It is very out of character for me to leave something behind.  I am loyal to a fault when it comes to employment.  But sometimes the fear of making a change is overshadowed by the fear of nothing changing.  And that is what happened to me.  I knew that God had more for me, and He needed me to step into it so it could be shared with others.

Ironically, coincidentally, or more likely providentially, this last year “flourish” has become my word of the year and a way of life for me.  Despite our dog dying unexpectedly, my mom diagnosed with a brain infection and a tree falling on my car (among other things) I have made the choice to flourish.  I have learned that flourishing does not mean a life with no troubles or challenges.  But it is an attitude and a way of life we can adopt no matter what challenges we face.  I want to help others do the same.  To do so, you (and I) must be willing to grow in the beautiful life that God has planned for us at any stage of life.

Flourish Financial Life Planning is the culmination of God’s faithfulness in my life, personally and professionally.  I’m excited to support you on your life’s journey.  My desire is to help you find peace from financial stress so you can live the life God designed for you, and to truly flourish in this world as the woman He created you to be!

Let’s Talk!

Whatever your financial needs, we can discuss your personal situation and how I can help you make confident decisions moving forward. Reach out by submitting this quick form and I’ll be in touch.